The International Society for Universal Dialogue

Becoming an ISUD member is both a privilege and a responsibility. We are building on the legacy of scholars who crossed borders to forge friendships with people whose values challenged their own. Membership cost $30 / ₹2511 / €28 a year and will give you the benefits of a full voting member.

ISUD Board of Directors

Profile picture of Victor Krebs

Vice-Chair: Victor Krebs (Peru)

Victor J. Krebs PhD is a professor of Philosophy in the Humanities Department at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP). He is the author of several publications on the philosophy of psychology, mind and language. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Notre Dame, USA.

Krebs is the author of Del alma y el arte (Editorial Arte, 1997), La recuperación del sentido (Equinoccio, 2007), La imaginación pornográfica (Lápix, 2014), and (with Richard Frankel) Human Virtuality and Digital Life: Philosophical and Psychoanalytic Investigations (Routledge, 2022) (Gradiva Book Prize 2022, from the National Association for the Promotion of Psychoanalysis, and "Courage to Dream Book Prize, 2023" from the American Psychoanalytic Association). Also contributing editor (with William Day) of Seeing Wittgenstein Anew (Cambridge U. Press, 2010). He is a philosophical curator, founder of the Jungian Circle of Peru, Coordinator of the Latin American Network of Posthumanism, and of Hermes, a research group at the Center for Philosophical Studies at PUCP.

Profile picture of Jean Campbell

Secretary: Jean Campbell (USA)

Jean A. Campbell PhD has worked at the private universal bank Brown Brothers Harriman and as a Language Specialist for Shearman & Sterling LLP, a global law firm based in NY, NY. Jean participates actively in translation and philosophy conferences, delivering papers at the American Translators’ Association 55th anniversary meeting in Chicago and at the 12th Congress of the International Society for Universal Dialogue in Lima, Peru.

Campbell's research interests include economic issues and logic. A widely read article is “Epistemological Considerations of Galileo’s Method”. She has been a member of ISUD since 2005, serving on the board and holding the officers of Treasurer and Secretary.

Institutional affiliations:

  • Philosophy at New School for Social Research--NY, Pace University--NY and Seton Hall University—NJ
  • Translation studies at New York University, NY.
Profile picture of Kevin Brien

Treasurer: Kevin Brien (USA)

Kevin M. Brien is a Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Washington College, USA. He recievd his PhD from Boston University in 1978. Brian's on-going work is a long-term project aimed at critical synthesis of Marx, Nietzsche, and Buddhism.

More biography information to come

ISUD Board Members

Profile picture of Daniel Krieglstein

Daniel Krieglstein (USA)

Daniel Krieglstein PhD is a Psychologist and Behavioral Signals Scientist. He holds Adj. Assistant Professor positions at both the Institute of Design and the Illinois Institute of Technology’s College of Computing; designated a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education by the National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security. Krieglstein teaches courses in Behavioral Design and User Testing, Human-Computer Interaction, web-based coding, and Python data presentation.

Krieglstein is a board member for the International Society for Universal Dialogue, a Peer Reviewer for the Journal of Clinical Psychology, a Senior Editor on Wikipedia, novice coder, and avid gamer.

Daniel attended the Clinical Psychology program at Illinois Institute of Technology, earning his PhD in Psychology. Having completed clinical training, Daniel resolved to turn his grant funded dissertation into a database company. This began his transition from clinician to a technologist. Since formally ending his clinical work with cancer patients, Daniel has been working with digital technologies as both a researcher and consultant for over a decade.

Working with fortune 500 companies across multiple business sectors he developed Behavioral Signal Design as a tool for building more predictive KPIs of employee engagement.

Krieglstein has consulted for Audi USA, Under Armor, Walmart, Success Mortgage, American Heart Association, American Medical Association, Northwestern University, IHRSA, and Stanford University’s Persuasive Tech Lab. He’s held both Executive Directorship positions within consulting firms and run his own grant funded company. His diverse experience spans tech dev, administrative, research, teaching, and clinical work.


Profile picture of Columbus Ogbujah

Columbus Ogbujah (Nigeria)

Columbus N. Ogbujah PhD is a Catholic priest of Ahiara Diocese, Nigeria, and a Professor of Ethics, at the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. He was the pioneer Head of the Philosophy Department, and a founding member of the Faculty of Humanities, where he teaches, Ethics, Anthropology, Logic, Peace and Conflict Resolution, and Gender Studies. Currently, he is the Director, Foundation Studies Unit of the University.

He has published/coedited eight books, and contributed over sixty edited essays in books and journals, some of which include The Idea of Personhood (2006); Philosophy: A Thematic Introduction (2011); The Cost of Social Christianity (2022); “Values and Growth: Insights from the Phenomenal Igbo Apprenticeship System,” Igwebuike (2022); etc. Professor Ogbujah’s quest for excellence in research has taken him to conferences and symposia across the United States of America, Europe and South America, resulting in cross-pollination of ideas with the best in his career. His in-depth research on the theories and praxis of Peace Studies culminated in co-editing an auspicious volume, Peace and Conflict Resolution: An Anthology (2023). he was the editor of the journal - Philosophy & Praxis; Guest editor of a volume on business ethics in Dialogue & Universalism (2024); Associate editor of Nigeria Journal of Oil & Gas Technology; and Consulting editor of Dialogue & Universalism. Prof. Ogbujah is the current Vice President of the Association of Philosophy Professionals of Nigeria (APPON) - an affiliate of the International Federation of Philosophical Societies (FISP); and Board member/Country Head, World Philosophical Forum (WPF). He joined the International Society for Universal Dialogue (ISUD) at the 2012 Congress at Ancient Olympia, Greece, and has since served as a board member on a number of periods. At the moment, he is working on a number of articles on the propriety of ethics in business.

Profile picture of Gabriela Tănăsescu

Gabriela Tănăsescu (Romania)

PhD in Philosophy, Postdoctoral Researcher of the Romanian Academy (2014–2015), senior researcher of the Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations “Ion I. C. Brătianu” of the Romanian Academy. Academic Visitor in Ireland, Russia, Czechia, Hungary.

The main fields of her research are: the history of modern and contemporary political philosophy, contemporary political theory. The main problems she addresses are: the category of freedom in modern and contemporary philosophy, the category of power and legitimacy in contemporary political theory and the functioning of power in semi-presidential regimes of Southeast European countries, the theoretical evolutions in post-war Western political philosophy, the European Union’s identity problems.

Coordinator of several research projects and editor of the books: Enciclopedia operelor fundamentale de filosofie politică, vol. V (The Encyclopaedia of the Fundamental Works of Political Philosophy, with C. I. Popa, 2016), Teorii ale legitimității puterii (Theories of the Legitimacy of Power, 2014); Spațiul public European. Idei, instituții, politici (European Public Space. Ideas, Institutions, Policies, with Gh. Ciascai, 2014); România și Rusia după 20 de ani (Romania and Russia after 20 Years, with D. Dungaciu, 2013); Liberalismul occidental al secolului XX (Western Liberalism of the 20th Century, 2011); Puterea politică. Abordări actuale (Political Power. Current Approaches, 2008); Conservatorismul. Istorie și actualitate (Conservatism. History and Present, 2007), Tendințe actuale în filosofia politică (Present Trends in Political Philosophy, 2006). Publisher of 22 issues of the Journal of Political Sciences and International Relations (between 2006 and 2011).

Member of the ISUD from 2014. Participant in the ISUD World Congresses in Craiova (Romania), Warsaw (Poland) and Lima (Peru). ISUD Board member from 2016.

Author of the books: Liberalismul şi neoliberalismul român interbelic în context european (Interwar Romanian liberalism and neoliberalism in a European context, 2023); Europa și problemele construcției identitare. Studii (Europe and the identity construction problems. Studies, 2018), Semiprezidențialismul din România. Considerații actuale (Semi-presidentialism in Romania. Actual considerations, 2015), Spinoza – libertate și rațiune (Spinoza — freedom and reason, 2010, winner of the “Ion Petrovici” Prize of the Romanian Academy).

Translations from Giovanni Sartori, Quentin Skinner, Jürgen Habermas, William J. Connell, Irving Kristol, Mortimer Adler.


Profile picture of Columbus Ogbujah

Abjul Rshid (Pakistan)

Abjul Rshid PhD received a Post Doctorate under Fulbright fellowship at The Catholic University of America, Washington D.C., USA. He is also an M.A. Gold Medalist, LL.B, and earned a PhD from the University of Karachi, Pakistan.

He has held positions as the Chairman, Dean, Member Syndicate, and Acting Vice Chancellor at the University of Karachi, Pakistan. He is the Founder Dean for the Faculty of Theology at the Federal Government Urdu University, Karachi.

Currently, Abjul Rashid is the Distinguished International Professor at The Ovidius University of Constanta Romania; Member of the Board of Directors for the International Society of Dialogue; Visiting Research Scholar at The Catholic University of America, Washington D.C., USA; Member of the World Council of Religious Leaders, “Religions for Peace”, New York, USA; and President of the Council of Global Spirituality at Vatra Dornei, Romania.

He has held positions as the Chairman, Dean, Member Syndicate, and Acting Vice Chancellor at the University of Karachi, Pakistan. He is the Founder Dean for the Faculty of Theology at the Federal Government Urdu University, Karachi.

Books Published: 34, Research Articles: +100, PhDs Produced: 43, Awards: Int.04 National.14

Fields of Interest: Interfaith Harmony, Religions for Peace, Spiritual Teachings
